My name is Jen, I am an Arkansas girl (born and raised), and lived there pretty much my whole life up until about 5 years ago. I attended the University of Arkansas, and shortly after met my sweet husband when we worked as camp counselors at Kanakuk Kamps. Those were the days! Jerrod and I met in May of 2001 and were married almost exactly a year later. We like to think we were on the fast track;) We immediately jumped into full time ministry, and 4 babies, 3 houses, and one giant move across the country to California later, here we are!
Of course there’s a lot of gaps to be filled in from the last 9 years, but that is why I began blogging - to take snap shots of the memories we are making and to remember all the Lord’s doing in our lives. Sometimes the things He is teaching me are enormously gigantic….earth shattering and heart stopping. Literally. Like when we lost our sweet Tyler. But many other times He is reminding me of His goodness in tiny little moments that don’t seem like much to other people. Life is a compilation of those precious times when we see God in the simple details of our children’s laughter, a delicious meal shared between wonderful friends, the tender moments with our spouse, a beautiful sunset, and the quietness of just being still with Him.
In describing motherhood, someone much wiser than me once said, “The days are long, but the years are short.” I believe this paints an incredibly accurate picture of my life right now. And I don’t know about you, but I want to soak in the long days because there will come a day I will wonder where they went;)
Many people would probably look at my life as boring, but I could not think of anything more worth my time than raising my babies and boys to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. Is there anything more important? I have a passion for people and love hearing their stories. I am impacted deeply by the hurt that goes on in our world, probably a big reason why I never watch the news…it keeps me up at night! A perfect day for me would be spending time with my family and friends, eating yummy food (another passion of mine), seeing a movie or just sitting around talking. It’s the little things, right?? I do love to sleep, too;) I’m pretty sure I don’t know how to truly SELAH (rest). Our lives are constantly on the go, and we keep a pretty hefty pace most weeks. I’m trying to become a more laid back person, and I believe the Lord is using my children and hubby to teach me that;) I’m not a big fan of shopping (including grocery shopping), scary movies, rude people, or chaos. I like to keep things simple, so…… welcome to my simple, busy, trying to be laid back, striving to be a better mommy and wife life!