How has it already been a month?? Our little peanut is growing so fast! We have had lots of transitions here at the Rumley house.
Jerrod has been on sabbatical since the end of May, and is back in the office full swing. Our church is launching another campus and Jerrod will be the Campus Pastor. His days are busy getting things ready, having "townhall" meetings, meeting with families and potential volunteers, thinking through plans, entering information, etc. There's lots to do;)
Cooper is transitioning to having a baby brother again, having Daddy back at work full time, and going to preschool 4 days a week. Kind of a lot for a little guy!
Sawyer's tummy is having a rough time. He is on prevacid twice a day and we figured out that he is allergic to dairy....yep that means Momma is on no dairy (and no soy, since many babies allergic to milk are also allergic to soy). I guess this is a good post baby weight loss plan?? We'll see. It sure does simplify things to eat....No more Nutella for me;)
I am getting used to being at home more. I quit my job as a Kids Coordinator at church, so I have had the blessing of soaking in all those moments with Sawyer;) At this point, he likes to be held a lot with his tummy, so I spend a lot of my day doing that. My heart is adjusting to so many changes in our lives, all the while still really missing Tyler.
Here are a few pics;)....
Sawyer - 5 Days
Sawyer - 5 Days

I'm a big boy! 1 Month old...

I love, love, love my Bubby!

Sweet boy! Jerrod has been calling him Junior. Really funny! He does look a lot like Daddy, especially with those BLUE eyes. I can't even believe I have a blue eyed baby!

One last pic I had to share. Doesn't this just speak so much without saying a word? I asked my sweet friend Cori to see if she could photoshop all three together and this is what she did. I just love having a picture that represents all three of their little lives. Tyler is 3 months here, Cooper is 4 1/2, and Sawyer is 5 days. They all three have the dimple in their chin;)
Feeling so blessed today! My heart is full (even though I'm holding a cranky baby right now;)