What can I say? Life has gotten away from me:) I have so much to catch up on, but I thought I'd try to get a few pics up in the meantime...It's funny when you keep putting off blogging trying to find the time, there's always something else more pressing. Oh well, better late than never!?!
We have a crawler on the loose. Look out, because if he's anything like his big bro, he'll be walking in a couple months. I joke that it is my new weight loss plan I'll be adopting. Any moms with busy children will relate because you never sit down and you forget to eat (or don't have time;)

We've also been doing a lot of Just Dance for Kids on the Wii. Way fun, totally recommend it! We have had so much fun! I'll have to find a video that actually shows Coop doing the moves. Very funny;) He's pretty good at it! And it's a nice energy releaser on rainy days!

A pic from Tyler's birthday when we headed out to the cemetery. All 3 of my sweet boys;) Notice the shrine on the stone next to Tyler's. I always get a little giggle when we head out there.

Somebody is 5! Yes, 5!!!! I can't even believe my baby boy is so BIG! I'll be posting more on my sweet Coop in the next few days after his party next week:)

Sweet brothers;)

Okay, so I'm almost a month late posting these, but here are Sawyer's 7 month pics. (Yes he will be 8 months in a few short days, but I'm in denial...)

I'm so grateful to my precious friend Cori who has the most wonderful photography classes! I took a class of hers a few weeks ago and it has completely opened my eyes as to how to work my camera on MANUAL! That's right, no more automatic! I think they turned out pretty cute:)

Love that blue-eyed baby boy!!!

That's it for now, but just wanted to get a few pics up to feel like I'm attempting to keep up with the blog world:) Thanks for your patience!